All Course Resources + Notebooks
Throughout the course there will be various links to different resources, however, one will be your source of truth.
The course GitHub repo:
All of the course notebooks are also available as a beautiful online book:
Inside the GitHub/book will find a "Course materials" table that contains all of the materials you'll need for the course, including:
- Lessons in code & text: all videos are based on these notebooks, refer to them for code and text-based explanations of different deep learning and TensorFlow concepts.
- Lessons in code & text (from the videos): notebooks containing the exact code we'll be writing together during the videos.
- Slides: all slides and images used to explain different concepts throughout the course.
- Exercises & extra-curriculum: each section comes with a series of challenges and extra resources to help you practice your skills and learn more.
But possibly the most important out of all of the above will be the GitHub Discussions tab:
If you have any questions, ideas, feedback or concerns, feel free to start a discussion thread, that way Daniel (the one writing this), Andrei and other students can read and offer help.
Again, there will be more resources listed throughout the course but the GitHub repo will be the one-stop-shop for everything.
Be sure to star the following and them to your bookmarks:
- Course materials on GitHub:
- Course materials in book form:
Happy Deep Learning!
- Daniel (@mrdbourke on Discord)