Example Curriculum
Available in
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Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Terminals, Consoles, Shells and Commands (9:33)
- Linux Command Structure (6:55)
- Getting Help, Man Pages (man, type, help, apropos) (11:09)
- Mastering the Terminal: The TAB Key (6:42)
- Mastering the Terminal: Keyboard Shortcuts (4:58)
- Mastering the Terminal: the Bash History (8:40)
- root vs. non-Privileged Users. Getting root Access (sudo, su, passwd) (11:24)
Available in
after you enroll
- Intro to The Linux Files System (5:28)
- The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard ( FHS) (9:39)
- Absolute vs. Relative Paths. Walking through the File System (pwd, cd, tree) (13:10)
- The LS Command In Depth (ls) (8:22)
- Understanding File Timestamps: atime, mtime, ctime (stat, touch, date) (9:44)
- Sorting Files by Timestamp (1:54)
- File Types in Linux (ls -F, file) (7:32)
- Viewing Files - Part 1 (cat) (4:28)
- Viewing Files - Part 2 (less, more) (3:50)
- Viewing Files - Part 3 (tail, head, watch) (6:18)
- Creating Files and Directories (touch, mkdir) (7:10)
- Copying Files and Directories (cp) (6:19)
- Moving and Renaming Files and Directories (mv) (7:46)
- Removing Files and Directories (rm, shred) (9:27)
- Working With Pipes in Linux (|, wc) (8:07)
- Command Redirection (>, >>, 2> &>, cut, tee) (14:31)
- Find and Exec (4:24)
- Finding Files and Directories - Part 2 (find) (11:43)
- Comparing Files (cmp, diff, sha256) (9:54)
- The Basics of VIM Text Editor (8:46)
- The VIM Editor In Depth - Part 1 (8:56)
- The VIM Editor In Depth - Part 2 (5:49)
- Compressing and Archiving Files and Directories (tar, gzip) (14:15)
- Hard Links and the Inode Structure (9:29)
- Working With Symlinks. Symlinks vs. Hard Links (5:22)
- Quiz for The Linux File System
- Quiz for LS, File Types and Timestamps
- Quiz for Viewing Files
- Quiz for mkdir, cp, mv, rm, shred
- Quiz for Piping and Command Redirection
- Quiz for locate, find and grep
- Quiz for VIM Editor
- Course Check-In
- Searching for String Patterns in Text Files (grep) (12:32)
- Finding Files and Directories - Part 1 (which, plocate) (11:26)
Available in
after you enroll
- Understanding /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files (8:51)
- Understanding Linux Groups (groups, id) (4:56)
- Creating User Accounts (useradd) (8:17)
- Changing and Removing User Accounts (usermod, userdel) (6:12)
- Creating Admin Users (2:48)
- Group Management (groupadd, groupdel, groupmod) (3:36)
- User Account Monitoring (whoami, who am i, who, id, w, uptime, last) (7:21)
- Quiz for Accounts Management
Available in
after you enroll
- Understanding File Permissions (7:21)
- Octal (Numeric) Notation of File Permissions (5:51)
- Changing File Permissions (chmod) (8:59)
- The Effect of Permissions on Directories (7:24)
- Combining Find and Chmod Commands Together (3:31)
- Changing File Ownership (chown, chgrp) (6:54)
- Understanding SUID (Set User ID) (10:27)
- Understanding SGID (Set Group ID) (5:53)
- Understanding the Sticky Bit (5:40)
Available in
after you enroll
- Processes and The Linux Security Model (8:39)
- Listing Processes (ps, pstree) (12:24)
- Getting a Dynamic Real-Time View of the Running System (top, htop) (13:12)
- Signals and Killing Processes (kill, pkill, killall, pidof) (11:27)
- Foreground and Background Processes (4:38)
- Job Control (jobs, fg, bg) (7:27)
- Quiz for Process Management
Available in
after you enroll