Course Curriculum
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Available in
after you enroll
- Section Overview (2:27)
- Javascript Engine (5:28)
- Exercise: Javascript Engine (0:56)
- Inside The Engine (4:05)
- Exercise: JS Engine For All (2:33)
- Interpreters and Compilers (6:21)
- Babel + TypeScript
- Inside the V8 Engine (8:56)
- Comparing Other Languages (4:15)
- Writing Optimized Code (8:53)
- WebAssembly (3:15)
- Call Stack and Memory Heap (14:37)
- Stack Overflow (3:21)
- Garbage Collection (4:30)
- Memory Leaks (6:34)
- Single Threaded (1:58)
- Exercise: Issue With Single Thread (2:40)
- Javascript Runtime (14:07)
- Node.js (6:27)
- IMPORTANT: Replit Code
- Exercise: Fix This Code
- Section Review (5:02)
- Web Developer Monthly
- Advanced JavaScript Cheatsheet
- Endorsements On LinkedIn
- Let's Have Some Fun (+ Free Resources)
Available in
after you enroll
- Section Overview (1:06)
- Execution Context (8:35)
- Lexical Environment (5:39)
- Hoisting (10:47)
- Exercise: Hoisting (3:58)
- Exercise: Hoisting 2 (7:06)
- Exercise: Hoisting 3
- Function Invocation (6:59)
- arguments Keyword (4:22)
- Variable Environment (6:41)
- Scope Chain (12:20)
- [[scope]] (2:03)
- Exercise: JS is Weird (4:57)
- Function Scope vs Block Scope (3:35)
- Exercise: Block Scope (3:45)
- Global Variables (4:10)
- IIFE (13:38)
- this Keyword (16:59)
- Exercise: Dynamic Scope vs Lexical Scope (12:08)
- call(), apply(), bind() (11:17)
- Exercise: call(), apply()
- bind() and currying (3:42)
- Exercise: this Keyword (3:09)
- Exercise: this Keyword 2
- Context vs Scope (1:08)
- Section Review (2:47)
- Unlimited Updates
Available in
after you enroll
- Section Overview (1:22)
- Javascript Types (13:40)
- Array.isArray() (2:17)
- Pass By Value vs Pass By Reference (17:06)
- Exercise: Compare Objects
- Exercise: Pass By Reference
- structuredClone
- Type Coercion (9:02)
- Exercise: Type Coercion
- Quick Note: Upcoming Videos
- JTS: Dynamic vs Static Typing (11:50)
- JTS: Weakly vs Strongly Typed (3:18)
- JTS: Static Typing In JavaScript (9:45)
- Course Check-In
Available in
after you enroll
- Section Overview (1:54)
- Functions Are Objects (9:18)
- First Class Citizens (4:04)
- Extra Bits: Functions (3:25)
- Higher Order Functions (17:14)
- Exercise: Higher Order Functions (3:45)
- Closures (15:10)
- Exercise: Closures (3:18)
- Closures and Memory (7:52)
- Closures and Encapsulation (7:41)
- Exercise: Closures 2 (1:31)
- Solution: Closures 2 (2:34)
- Exercise: Closures 3 (1:28)
- Solution: Closures 3 (3:47)
- Closures Review (1:34)
- Prototypal Inheritance (6:47)
- Prototypal Inheritance 2 (9:07)
- Prototypal Inheritance 3 (7:46)
- Prototypal Inheritance 4 (10:35)
- Prototypal Inheritance 5 (2:43)
- Prototypal Inheritance 6 (9:16)
- Exercise: Prototypal Inheritance (2:55)
- Solution: Prototypal Inheritance (8:20)
- Exercise: Prototypal Inheritance with this
- Exercise: Imposter Syndrome (2:55)
- Section Review (3:57)
- Implement a New Life System
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after you enroll
- Section Overview (6:24)
- OOP and FP (3:50)
- OOP Introduction (3:21)
- OOP1: Factory Functions (8:20)
- OOP2: Object.create() (7:38)
- OOP3: Constructor Functions (13:00)
- More Constructor Functions (8:38)
- Funny Thing About JS... (2:52)
- OOP4: ES6 Classes (8:44)
- Object.create() vs Class (1:48)
- this - 4 Ways (4:44)
- Inheritance (14:41)
- Inheritance 2 (5:25)
- ES2022: Private Class Fields + Methods
- Public vs Private (4:21)
- OOP in React.js (3:05)
- 4 pillars of OOP (8:17)
- Exercise: OOP and Polymorphism
- Reviewing OOP (2:06)
Available in
after you enroll
- Section Overview (2:29)
- Functional Programming Introduction (3:31)
- Exercise: Amazon (3:37)
- Pure Functions (4:35)
- Pure Functions 2 (7:47)
- Can Everything Be Pure? (4:33)
- Idempotent (4:08)
- Imperative vs Declarative (6:27)
- Immutability (5:28)
- Higher Order Functions and Closures (7:49)
- Currying (4:24)
- Partial Application (4:24)
- Quick Note: Upcoming Videos
- MCI: Memoization 1 (7:47)
- MCI: Memoization 2 (3:56)
- Compose and Pipe (12:33)
- Arity (1:46)
- Is FP The Answer To Everything? (2:54)
- Solution: Amazon (21:48)
- Reviewing FP (5:14)
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Section Overview (4:51)
- Quick Note: Upcoming Videos
- How JavaScript Works (24:12)
- Promises (22:26)
- ES8 - Async Await (15:22)
- ES9 (ES2018) (5:21)
- ES9 (ES2018) - Async (11:11)
- Job Queue (6:55)
- Parallel, Sequence, Race (10:00)
- ES2020: allSettled() (4:22)
- ES2021: any()
- Threads, Concurrency and Parallelism (11:27)
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Quick Note: Upcoming Videos
- Section Overview (1:58)
- What Is A Data Structure? (5:53)
- How Computers Store Data (12:33)
- Data Structures In Different Languages (3:27)
- Operations On Data Structures (3:05)
- Array Introduction (13:51)
- Static vs Dynamic Arrays (6:40)
- Implementing An Array (17:19)
- Strings and Arrays (1:04)
- Exercise: Reverse A String (1:35)
- Solution Reverse A String (10:31)
- Exercise: Merge Sorted Arrays (0:44)
- Solution: Merge Sorted Arrays (14:12)
- Arrays Review (3:28)
- Hash Tables Introduction (4:10)
- Hash Function (5:56)
- Hash Collisions (9:43)
- Hash Tables in Different Languages (3:30)
- Exercise: Implement A Hash Table (3:51)
- Solution: Implement A Hash Table (17:24)
- keys() (6:11)
- Hash Tables vs Arrays (2:01)
- Exercise: First Recurring Character (1:18)
- Solution: First Recurring Character (16:11)
- Hash Tables Review (6:09)
Available in
after you enroll
- Quick Note: Upcoming Videos
- What is JavaScript? (5:33)
- Your First JavaScript (11:41)
- Variables (15:09)
- Control Flow (16:36)
- JavaScript On Our Webpage (9:05)
- Functions (23:53)
- Data Structures: Arrays (13:06)
- Data Structures: Objects (15:25)
- Exercise: Build Facebook (11:16)
- JavaScript Terminology (3:43)
- Loops (22:22)
- Exercise: Build Facebook 2 (8:02)
- JavaScript Keywords (3:02)
Available in
after you enroll
- Quick Note: Upcoming Videos
- Scope (10:25)
- Advanced Control Flow (11:41)
- ES5 and ES6 (26:41)
- Advanced Functions (20:04)
- Advanced Arrays (16:40)
- Advanced Objects (24:51)
- ES7 (3:06)
- ES8 (9:19)
- Note: ES9 + ES8 Async Await
- ES10 (ES2019) (16:49)
- Advanced Loops (12:04)
- ES2020 Part 1 (10:07)
- ES2020 Part 2 (3:29)
- ES2020 Part 3 (4:10)
- ES2020: globalThis (3:14)
- ES2021 (3:08)
- ES2022 (3:25)
- ES2023 (13:31)
- Exercise: ES2023
- ES2024 (5:49)
- Debugging (8:23)
- Modules (13:19)
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