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Time Series Forecasting with Python
Course Introduction (5:03)
Exercise: Meet Your Classmates and Instructor
Course Material
Why Forecasting Matters (5:15)
ZTM Plugin + Understanding Your Video Player
Set Your Learning Streak Goal
Exploratory Data Analysis
Game Plan (1:04)
TIme Series Data (2:34)
Case Study Briefing (1:43)
Python - Directory and Libraries (4:42)
Python - Loading the Data (2:51)
Python - Renaming Variable (1:29)
Python - Summary Statistics (2:33)
Additive vs. Multiplicative Seasonality (2:40)
Python - Seasonal Decomposition (8:18)
Python - Seasonal Graphs (5:07)
Python - Visualization - Basic Plot (5:31)
Python - Visualization - Customization (5:58)
Python - Visualization -Adding Events (6:10)
Python - Correlation (2:18)
Auto-Correlation Plots (2:01)
Python - Auto-Correlation Plot (3:20)
Python - Useful Commands Template (2:30)
Let's Have Some Fun (+ Free Resources)
(Facebook) Prophet
Game Plan for Prophet (1:28)
Prophet and Structural Time Series (5:51)
Python - Preparing the Script (3:24)
Python - Prepare Date Variable (2:29)
Python - Easter Holiday (4:29)
Python - Remaining Holidays (2:36)
Python - Wrapping up the Events (3:01)
Prophet Parameters (2:30)
Python - Prophet Model (5:39)
Cross-Validation (3:16)
Python - Cross-Validation (6:59)
Assessing Forecasting (6:35)
Python - Cross-Validation Performance and Plotting (9:30)
Parameter Tuning (2:58)
Python - Parameter Grid (4:37)
Python - Parameter Tuning (7:29)
Python - Best Parameters and Exporting (6:16)
Python - Updating Useful Commands (Part 1) (1:32)
Python - Preparing Data Sets (8:10)
Python - Parameters and Final Model (9:25)
Python - Forecasting (10:42)
Python - Exporting Forecasts (4:41)
Python - Updating Useful Commands (Part 2) (1:34)
Pros and Cons (3:57)
Unlimited Updates
SARIMAX Game Plan (1:52)
ARIMA (3:05)
Python - Preparing Script (3:29)
Auto-Regressive (1:54)
Integrated (4:33)
Python - Stationarity and Differencing (5:44)
Moving Average Component (2:34)
Optimization Factors (3:15)
Python - SARIMAX Model (5:11)
Python - Cross-Validation (8:18)
Python - Parameter Grid (3:32)
Python - Parameter Tuning (4:14)
Python - Exporting Best Parameters (4:26)
Python - Preparing the Script (3:27)
Python - Preparing Data (2:56)
Python - Tuned SARIMAX Model (4:02)
Python - Forecasting (4:28)
Python - Visualization and Export (3:54)
SARIMAX Pros and Cons (1:48)
Course Check-In
How LinkedIn Silverkite Works
LinkedIn Silverkite Game Plan (1:35)
LinkedIn Silverkite (3:08)
Silverkite vs. Prophet (3:11)
Potential issue with Silverkite and how to fix it
Python - Libraries and Data (10:05)
Python - Preparing Data (3:36)
Python - Metadata (2:47)
Silverkite Components (4:20)
Growth Terms (1:56)
Python - Growth Terms (2:04)
Seasonality Terms (3:20)
Python - Seasonality (2:06)
Python - Available Countries and Holidays (3:31)
Python - Holidays (6:21)
Python - Changepoints (1:22)
Python - Regressors (1:15)
Lagged Regressors (1:54)
Python - Lagged Regressors (1:37)
Python - Autoregression (2:19)
Fitting Algorithms Possibilities (2:38)
Ridge Regression (7:52)
XGBoost (3:44)
Boosting (7:03)
Feature Sampling (2:56)
Python - Custom Fit Algorithm (2:12)
Python - Silverkite Model (2:48)
Python - Cross-Validation Configuration (8:27)
Python - SIlverkite Parameter Tuning (6:01)
Python - Visualization and Preparing Results (8:01)
Python - Exporting Best Parameters (6:06)
Python - Preparing Script (3:17)
Python - Tuned Silverkite Model (6:03)
Python - Summary and Visualization (11:16)
Python - Forecasting and Exporting (3:49)
Pros and Cons (2:09)
Implement a New Life System
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
Game Plan for LSTM (2:05)
Simple Neural Network (4:55)
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) (3:01)
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) (4:11)
Python - Directory and Libraries (2:47)
Python - Time Series Objects (2:56)
Python - Time Variables (6:45)
Python - Scaling (5:45)
LSTM Parameters (2:55)
Activation Functions (6:03)
Python - LSTM Model (6:54)
Python - Cross-Validation (5:03)
Python - Cross-Validation Performance (7:33)
Python - Parameter Grid (4:43)
Python - Parameter Tuning (Round 1) (5:18)
Python - Parameter Tuning (Round 2) (9:37)
Python - Changing from CPU to GPU (3:59)
Python - Parameter Tuning (Final Results) (2:26)
Python - Preparing Script (4:57)
Python - Tuned LSTM Model (8:52)
Python - Predictions and Exporting (3:50)
Pros and Cons (2:10)
Ensemble Game Plan (1:21)
Ensemble Mechanism (4:43)
Python - Preparing Script and Loading Predictions (7:23)
Python - Loading Errors (5:02)
Python - Forecasting Weights (4:55)
Python - Ensemble Forecast and Visualization (3:31)
Ensemble Pros and Cons (2:17)
Where To Go From Here?
Thank You! (1:17)
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