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Testing: The Complete Developer's Guide
How To Take This Course (MUST READ)
Exercise: Meet Your Classmates and Instructor
ZTM Plugin + Understanding Your Video Player
Set Your Learning Streak Goal
Testing 101
Section Overview (6:21)
Updated Code For This Section
Types of Tests (2:59)
Testing Libraries (15:28)
Note: The Next Videos
Unit Tests (2:43)
Integration Tests (2:46)
Automation Testing (4:27)
Final Note On Testing (2:56)
Setting Up Jest (11:29)
Our First Tests (11:10)
Writing Tests (5:31)
Quick Note: Upcoming API Endpoint + ES6 Modules
Asynchronous Tests (10:18)
Asynchronous Tests 2 (11:41)
Resources: Jest Cheat Sheet
Mocks and Spies (12:50)
Exercise: #1 - Testing With Jest
Unlimited Updates
Testing in Python
Testing Introduction (5:31)
Unittest (11:03)
Writing Unit Tests (8:06)
Writing Unit Tests 2 (6:01)
Exercise - Testing (14:03)
Testing in Rust
Course Projects + Code + Slides + Cheatsheet
Testing (6:52)
Activity - Testing (7:43)
Testing - Database (9:14)
Testing - HTTP Routes (10:01)
Activity - Generating Tests (6:32)
Testing in Go
Course Projects + Code + Slides + Cheatsheet
Testing (7:46)
Demo - Testing (8:29)
Exercise - Testing (6:56)
Testing JSON API (5:15)
Testing in React
Enzyme vs React Testing Library
Bruno's Request (1:10)
Introduction To Enzyme (14:29)
Resources: Enzyme
Quick Note: Empty Snapshots
Snapshot Testing (9:29)
Snapshot Testing + Code Coverage (4:54)
Testing Stateful Components (11:16)
Quick Recap (2:35)
Testing Connected Components (23:50)
Testing Connected Components 2 (3:35)
Testing Reducers (14:57)
Testing Actions (18:27)
Section Summary (4:11)
Aside - React Testing Library (4:04)
Basics of RTL - Render and Screen (8:56)
Button Tests - Part 1 (9:32)
Button Tests - Part 2 (5:21)
Render With Providers and Cart Icon Tests (14:21)
Navigation Tests - Part 1 (10:48)
Navigation Tests - Part 2 (5:56)
Product Card and Testing Redux Actions (7:17)
Navigation Tests - Part 3 (8:41)
Category Tests and React-Router-Dom Mocks (11:47)
Category Reducer Test (7:57)
Category Selector Test (6:09)
Category Sagas - Part 1 (9:21)
Category Sagas - Part 2 (13:57)
Testing in Vue
Complete Course Resources + Code
Introduction to Testing (12:15)
Introduction to Vitest (2:50)
Adding the Vitest UI (2:55)
Writing Our First Test (8:57)
Mounting with Vue Test Utils (6:39)
Testing the Inner Content (4:15)
Passing Data to Components (5:11)
Stubbing Components (4:50)
Avoid Boolean Assertions (1:38)
Testing Children Components (6:30)
Mocking Methods (5:34)
Testing Attributes (6:41)
Testing Attributes 2 (6:28)
Testing Pinia Actions (6:07)
Mocking Promises (4:14)
Testing Router Components (6:35)
Snapshot Testing (12:35)
E2E Testing Overview (6:30)
Writing an E2E Test (12:21)
Testing in Angular
Complete Course Resources + Code
Introduction to Testing (11:20)
Understanding Karma and Jasmine (8:13)
Preparing our App for Testing (2:56)
Writing a Sanity Test (6:01)
Angular’s Test Bed Utility (5:55)
Testing a Component’s Instance (6:27)
Querying the Component’s Template (6:39)
Inverting Matchers (3:10)
Testing Nested Components (4:41)
Testing Content Projection (6:24)
Custom Matcher Error Messages (2:30)
Mocking Services (6:32)
Overriding a Dependency (2:44)
Importing the Router Testing Module (1:59)
Exercise - Testing the Logout Link (3:05)
Simulating DOM Events (3:59)
Installing Cypress (6:10)
Exploring Cypress (6:04)
Writing an E2E Sanity Test (6:04)
Testing the Video Player (8:53)
Testing in Backend (Node + Deno)
Testing In Node (3:26)
Testing APIs With Jest (14:21)
Testing API Endpoints With Supertest - GET (8:03)
Testing API Endpoints With Supertest - POST (9:09)
Testing API Endpoints With Supertest - Error Cases (6:48)
Testing With Deno (5:18)
Testing With Deno 2 (14:07)
Testing With Deno 3 (10:15)
Automation/Testing (Python + Selenium)
Section Overview (1:50)
Quick Note: Selenium Version
Selenium Introduction (10:10)
Quick Update: Selenium 4+
Selenium Basics (11:47)
Selenium Basics 2 (10:52)
Selenium Basics 3 (6:13)
Where To Go From Here?
Thank You! (1:17)
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