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Build an Instagram Filters App with Vue, TypeScript and WebAssembly
Project Demo (1:30)
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Exercise: Meet Your Classmates and Instructor
Set Your Learning Streak Goal
Building Your Image Filters App
Initializing a New Project (2:43)
What is TypeScript (3:10)
Reviewing the TypeScript Configuration (5:15)
TypeScript Basics (6:21)
Preparing the Template (4:09)
Adding a Google Font (3:43)
Automatically Loading Components (4:21)
Interfaces (6:57)
Drag and Drop Events (7:15)
Storing File Data (4:49)
Filter Buttons (6:37)
Composables (2:20)
File Reader (3:09)
Optional Parameters (6:40)
Grabbing the Canvas Context (6:08)
Drawing an Image on the Canvas (5:00)
Calculating the Aspect Ratio (5:50)
Subscribing to Mutations (3:15)
Enabling Web Assembly in Vite (4:22)
Applying a Filter (6:04)
Downloading an Image (4:20)
Where To Go From Here?
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