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DevOps Bootcamp: Terraform
DevOps Bootcamp: Terraform (1:44)
Exercise: Meet Your Classmates and Instructor
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Terraform and AWS Introduction
Why Terraform (3:30)
Terraform Demo (7:12)
IaC Tool Comparison: Terraform vs Ansible (4:44)
Installing Terraform on Linux and macOS (5:51)
Installing Terraform on Windows (2:54)
Installing and Configuring VSCode (6:39)
Creating an AWS Account (5:03)
Creating an IAM User (6:47)
AWS Basics VPC (4:16)
AWS Basics EC2 (3:01)
AWS Regions and Zones (2:20)
Let's Have Some Fun (+ Free Resources)
Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform
Terraform Code Structure (3:16)
Terraform Providers (6:44)
Quiz: Terraform Code Structure and Providers
Terraform Configuration Syntax (4:32)
Initializing Working Directories (5:36)
Authenticating to AWS (6:04)
Quiz: Terraform Syntax, Initializing Providers, and Authenticating to AWS
Creating Resources (Part 1): AWS VPC (6:19)
Terraform Plan and Apply (6:08)
Formatting and Validating Configuration Files (5:24)
Destroying Infrastructure with Terraform (7:27)
Replacing Infrastructure with Terraform (4:22)
Quiz: Terraform Operations
Unlimited Updates
Creating Resources (Part 2): AWS Subnet (4:52)
Customizing Terraform Configuration with Variables (Part 1) (6:30)
Customizing Terraform Configuration with Variables (Part 2) (13:12)
Quiz: Variables
Creating Resources (Part 3): Default RT and IGW (8:27)
Security Groups and Firewall Configuration (9:41)
Quiz: Security Groups and Firewalls
Launching EC2 Instances in the VPC (8:14)
Creating an SSH Key Pair for EC2 (8:39)
Automatic SSH Key Pair Generation with Terraform (7:27)
Quiz: EC2 Instances
Terraform Data Sources (4:45)
Filtering AMIs using Data Sources (6:36)
Query Data with Outputs (8:55)
Quiz: Data Sources and Output Values
Understanding Terraform State (5:03)
The Terraform State Command (4:28)
Quiz: Terraform State
Running Commands on EC2 (2:14)
Running Commands Using User Data (9:08)
Exercise: Imposter Syndrome (2:55)
Provision Infrastructure with Cloud-Init (6:59)
Terraform Provisioners (7:20)
Terraform Troubleshooting and Logging (5:45)
Quiz: Terraform Troubleshooting
Course Check-In
Challenge: Provisioning AWS with Terraform
Challenge Instructions
HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth
Terraform Simple Types: Number, String, Bool (7:14)
Terraform Collection Types: List and Map (9:23)
Terraform Structural Types: Tuple and Object (8:20)
Quiz: Data Types
The Count Meta-Argument (4:56)
Creating IAM Users Using Count (6:54)
The for_each Meta-Argument (4:03)
Quiz: Count and for_each
Using Dynamic Blocks (9:26)
Conditional Expressions (7:39)
Terraform Locals (7:56)
Intro to Terraform Built-In Functions (3:46)
Using Terraform Built-In Functions (6:54)
Quiz: Dynamic Blocks, Locals and Functions
Using Splat Expressions in Terraform (3:21)
Implement a New Life System
Challenge: HashiCorp Configuration Language
Challenge Instructions
Terraform Remote State and Security
Backends and Remote State Management (3:15)
Terraform Remote State on Amazon S3 (6:04)
Implementing State Locking with DynamoDB (6:10)
Terraform Remote State on Terraform Cloud (7:29)
Managing Secrets in Terraform (2:28)
Storing Secrets Using Variables (5:22)
Storing Secrets Securely Using AWS Secrets Manager (7:59)
Quiz: Terraform Remote State and Security
Challenge: Terraform Remote State
Challenge Instructions
Terraform Modules
Intro to Terraform Modules (4:01)
Creating Your First Module (7:25)
Parameterizing Modules (Part 1) (7:25)
Parameterizing Modules (Part 2) (4:01)
Quiz: Module Basics
Refactoring the Infrastructure Using Modules (8:13)
Accessing Child Module Output Values (4:23)
Refactoring the Infrastructure Using Modules (Part 2) (12:31)
Intro to Terraform Registry (4:27)
The VPC Module (7:17)
The Security Group Module (4:28)
The EC2 Module (9:22)
Quiz: Remote Modules
Where To Go From Here?
Thank You! (1:17)
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Terraform Plan and Apply
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