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Learning to Meditate [Productivity & Focus]
Learning to Meditate [Productivity & Focus] (2:38)
Welcome (6:32)
What To Expect (and Pre-Course Assessment) (4:35)
Exercise: Meet Your Classmates and Instructor
ZTM Plugin + Understanding Your Video Player
Set Your Learning Streak Goal
Preparation Week: Meditation Fundamentals
What is Meditation (5:05)
Different Types of Meditation (Part 1) (1:43)
Different Types of Meditation (Part 2) (3:33)
Common Misconceptions About Meditation (4:31)
Why Meditate (3:26)
Personal Why (3:25)
Why Meditation Hasn't Worked (2:38)
Where to Meditate (2:12)
When to Meditate (4:51)
How Long to Meditate (3:06)
How Frequently to Meditate (3:43)
How to Meditate (4:22)
Three Steps in Meditation (3:22)
Start the 4 Week Challenge
Challenge Instructions
Week 1 Challenge: Connect to Your Breath
Focused Attention Meditation (11:04)
Square Breathing Meditation (16:24)
Week 2 Challenge: Connect with Your Body
Body Scan Meditation (13:58)
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Meditation (12:34)
Week 3 Challenge: Observing Your Mind
Thought Labeling Meditation (19:34)
Bell Meditation (17:21)
Week 4 Challenge: Visualization
Beach Break Meditation (22:51)
Morning & Evening Meditations (20:04)
Conclusion to the 4 Week Challenge
Congratulations & Next Steps (and Post-Course Assessment) (4:36)
Meditations Library
Using Your Meditations Library
Meditation to Ignite Creativity (9:13)
Meditation for Focus and Calm (10:01)
Meditation to Be Present (8:56)
Meditation to Create Healthy Habits (12:51)
Focus and Productivity Meditation (8:00)
Meditation to Prepare for Job Interviews (8:57)
Meditation to Overcome Procrastination (25:18)
New Years Meditation - Design The Best New Year For You (19:17)
Take Action Meditation (17:54)
Clearing the Mental Cache Meditation (9:21)
7 Days of Gratitude
7 Days of Gratitude Explained
Day 1 - Thank Yourself For Being Here Now (8:39)
Day 2 - Give To Receive Love (5:06)
Day 3 - There's No Place Like Home (5:24)
Day 4 - Finding Love And Appreciation For Your Body (9:53)
Day 5 - Revel In Your Creative Nature (5:45)
Day 6 - Celebrate Your Freedom (7:17)
Day 7 - The Best Is Yet To Come (7:35)
Where To Go From Here?
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Square Breathing Meditation
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