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C#/.NET Bootcamp: Full-Stack Web Development (w/ ASP.NET Core and Blazor)
Section 1: Introduction
C#/.NET Bootcamp: Full-Stack Web Development (w/ ASP.NET Core and Blazor) (3:11)
Course Introduction (4:50)
Exercise: Meet Your Classmates and Instructor
ZTM Plugin + Understanding Your Video Player
Set Your Learning Streak Goal
Course Resources
Section 2: Development Environment Setup
Development Environment Overview (4:29)
Exercise: Setup Your Development Environment
Windows Users: Installing Visual Studio (8:04)
MacOS and Linux Users: Installing Visual Studio Code (7:54)
MacOS and Linux Users: Developing with Visual Studio Code (5:09)
Let's Have Some Fun (+ Free Resources)
Section 3: .NET Platform Introduction
The History of .NET (5:31)
What Is the .NET Platform? (5:15)
Why Should You Learn .NET? (4:38)
What You Can Build Using .NET (4:34)
The .NET Documentation (0:59)
Quiz: Do You Know the .NET Platform?
Unlimited Updates
Section 4: C# Programming - Fundamentals
What Is C#? (5:41)
Hello World (5:56)
Hello World Explicit (4:24)
The C# Compiler (3:58)
Program Arguments (4:03)
Debugging in Visual Studio (4:37)
Console Input / Output (3:44)
C# Cheat Sheet
C# Value Types (6:13)
Using C# Value Types (7:50)
Casting and Value Type Conversions (4:48)
Quiz: C# Value Types
Strings (6:31)
String Parsing (5:39)
Date / Time (5:54)
Operators (6:59)
Conditionals (4:12)
Switch Statements (3:34)
Iteration Statements (5:22)
Exercise: Write a C# Program using Conditionals and Loops
Basic Variable Scopes (3:14)
Quiz: The Basics of C#
Project: Building a Console-Based Calculator
Course Check-In
Section 5: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Introduction to OOP (6:43)
Classes and Objects (1:53)
Reference Types (2:38)
Fields, Properties and Constructors (8:41)
Methods (5:51)
Access Modifiers (2:50)
Exercise: Implement Your First C# Class
Namespaces (5:34)
Static Members (6:35)
Interfaces (6:23)
Method Overloading (3:30)
Inheritance (9:48)
Polymorphism (4:02)
Advanced Variable Scopes (3:50)
Project: Building an Object-Oriented Console Based Accounting System
Implement a New Life System
Section 6 C# Programming - Variables Types
Implicit Typing (3:40)
Const Keyword (3:22)
Garbage Collection (6:45)
Enumerations (7:01)
Switch Expressions (7:34)
Structs (6:00)
Passing Value-Type Parameters (5:49)
Passing Reference-Type Parameters (6:56)
Quiz: Value Types vs. Reference Types
Exception Handling (10:20)
Quiz: Do You Understand Exception Handling?
Exercise: Imposter Syndrome (2:55)
Section 7: C# Programming - Arrays and Collection Types
Overview (4:39)
Arrays (9:36)
ArrayList (2:34)
Generic List (3:54)
Generic Stack (3:53)
Generic Queue (2:26)
Generic Dictionary (6:43)
Quiz: Do You Understand Collections?
Project: Building a Console Based Racing Calendar
Section 8: Advanced C# Programming
Overview (1:23)
Named Arguments (3:09)
Optional Arguments (3:48)
Extension Methods (7:34)
Exercise: Working with Extension Methods
Generic Types (4:46)
Params Keyword (2:15)
Nullable Value Types (4:56)
Nullable Reference Types (8:41)
Record Types (5:10)
Class Libraries (6:46)
Custom Exception Types (6:55)
Asynchronous Programming (8:11)
Quiz: Advanced C# Quiz
Section 9: Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)
What is LINQ? (6:01)
Filtering Data Using LINQ (7:40)
Ordering Data Using LINQ (5:28)
Selecting Data Using LINQ (6:54)
Grouping Data Using LINQ (2:53)
The LINQ Query Syntax (8:08)
Exercise: Use LINQ to Transform Data
Section 10: Automated Testing
Why Automated Testing Is Important (8:43)
Creating a Test Project (3:14)
Writing a Unit Test Using MsTest (9:25)
Exercise: Write Your First Unit Test
Project: Implementing Tests for the Accounting System
Section 11: Web Development
What is a Web Framework? (3:54)
Introduction To Web Development (7:26)
Server-rendering vs. Client-rendering (4:20)
Web Development in .NET Overview (4:38)
Choosing a Web UI Framework (5:18)
Quiz: Web Development in .NET
Section 12: ASP.NET Core Web Development Framework
Introduction to ASP.NET Core (2:40)
Creating an ASP.NET Core Web App (3:11)
The Program Code (Application Startup) (3:49)
Exercise: Create Your First ASP.NET Core Web Application
Dependency Injection (5:40)
Middleware (6:50)
Quiz: Middleware in ASP.NET Core
Application Host (2:51)
Configuration (5:49)
Environments (3:21)
Logging (6:39)
Health Checks (2:27)
HTTP Context (2:36)
Routing (3:51)
Static Files (2:46)
Directory Browsing (2:52)
Security Considerations (1:42)
Serving Default Documents (3:03)
Error Handling (2:35)
Outgoing HTTP Requests (6:52)
Content Root and Web Root (3:28)
Project: Familiarize Yourself with ASP.NET Core
Section 13: ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
Introduction to ASP.NET Core Razor Pages (1:34)
Creating a Razor Pages Web App (3:23)
Exercise: Create Your First Razor Pages Web Application
Razor Pages Application Structure (8:00)
Razor Pages (6:43)
Razor Syntax (4:04)
Creating a Razor Page (3:41)
Exercise: Implement Your First Razor Page
Routing (6:02)
Route Templates (4:09)
Dependency Injection (5:06)
Tag Helpers (5:30)
Action Results (6:23)
Basic HTML Forms (4:38)
Model Binding (2:54)
HTML Forms Tag Helpers (5:44)
HTML Forms User Input Validation (4:42)
Layouts (4:10)
Partial Views (3:06)
Project: Create a Movie Directory with ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
Section 14: Model-View-Controller (MVC)
Introduction to ASP.NET Core MVC (3:56)
Create an MVC Application (3:26)
Exercise: Create Your First MVC Web Application
MVC Application Structure (6:15)
Quiz: ASP.NET Core MVC Fundamentals
Models (2:51)
Controllers (2:57)
MVC Views (3:48)
MVC Routing (8:35)
Navigation (3:16)
HTML Forms (6:37)
Model Validation (4:28)
Layouts (4:41)
Dependency Injection in Views (2:58)
View Components (8:43)
CSS Isolation (5:46)
Filters (9:00)
Data Passing Approaches (7:36)
Project: Create a Movie Directory with ASP.NET Core MVC
Section 15: ASP.NET Core Blazor
Introduction to ASP.NET Core Blazor (5:23)
Introduction to Blazor Server (8:32)
Creating a Blazor Server Application (3:46)
Blazor Server Application Structure (7:23)
Debugging Blazor Server (4:06)
Introduction to Blazor WebAssembly (5:10)
Creating a Blazor WebAssembly Application (4:08)
Blazor WebAssembly Application Structure (7:08)
Debugging Blazor WebAssembly (8:37)
The Blazor Web App Project Template (3:06)
Exercise: Create Your First Blazor Web Application
Blazor Browser Support (1:09)
Creating a Razor component (6:42)
Exercise: Implement Your First Razor Component
Component Parameters (4:26)
Component Lifecycle Methods (6:48)
Styling Razor Components with CSS (3:30)
CSS Isolation in Blazor (4:06)
Conditional Rendering (4:09)
Exercise: Apply Razor Component Basics
Static Server-Side Rendering (Static SSR) (5:21)
Stream Rendering (3:10)
Prerendering Server Components (6:53)
Render Modes Overview (5:26)
Quiz: ASP.NET Core Blazor Render Modes
Blazor Layouts (5:11)
Using Images in Blazor (2:45)
Event Handling (4:54)
Event Callbacks (4:16)
Rendering a List (2:27)
Dependency Injection in Blazor (4:27)
The QuickGrid Component (7:01)
Pages and Routing (9:27)
Navigation (7:16)
Cascading Values (5:59)
State Containers (8:35)
Component Virtualization (4:01)
Templated Components (4:05)
Shared Components (10:05)
Data Loading with Blazor Server (4:13)
Data Loading with Blazor WebAssembly (7:02)
Data Binding (3:42)
HTML Forms with Blazor (6:08)
HTML Forms Input Validation (4:33)
Logging (6:32)
Using a 3rd Party UI Framework (3:48)
Using JavaScript in Blazor (4:10)
Best Practices for Building Blazor Web Applications (5:51)
Quiz: Modern Web Applications Using Blazor
Project: Create a Recipe Book Application with ASP.NET Core Blazor
Where To Go From Here?
Thank You (1:17)
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