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Complete SQL + Databases Bootcamp: Zero to Mastery
Complete SQL + Databases Bootcamp: Zero to Mastery (3:26)
Course Outline (7:51)
Exercise: Meet Your Classmates and Instructor
The Big Data Breach At Keiko Corp (2:23)
ZTM Plugin + Understanding Your Video Player
Set Your Learning Streak Goal
History And Story Of Data
What Is a Database? (5:57)
I Didn't Learn Anything, Try Again... (6:35)
Database Management System (DBMS) (7:44)
Exercise: Building Amazon (5:34)
Exercise: Building Amazon 2 (5:28)
5 Types Of Databases (5:37)
Exercise: What Is A Database? (1:11)
Section Review (1:29)
Let's Have Some Fun (+ Free Resources)
Databases + SQL Fundamentals
SQL Playground (1:54)
What Is SQL? (2:17)
What Is A Query? (6:27)
Exercise: Setting Up Your First Database
Imperative vs Declarative (3:24)
History of SQL (2:21)
Exercises: The Select Statement
Optional: History of SQL Deep Dive
SQL Standards (4:25)
What Is A Database? Revisited (5:36)
Database Oriented Approach (6:51)
Exercise: SQL Starter Quiz
Database Models (1:21)
Hierarchical And Networking Model (8:03)
Relational Model (7:17)
DBMS Revisited (13:57)
Relational Model Revisited (1:07)
Tables (3:45)
Columns (4:08)
Rows (2:27)
Primary And Foreign Keys (5:03)
OLTP vs OLAP (3:17)
Exercise: OLTP vs OLAP (3:20)
Exercise: Relational Model Quiz
Endorsements On LinkedIn
Unlimited Updates
Environment Setup
Why PostgreSQL (1:52)
Environment Tooling (3:10)
Having Trouble Registering A Serial Key For ValentinaDB?
SQL Tooling Alternatives
Command Line 101 (5:21)
Getting Help With The Setup
WINDOWS Setup (4:53)
Optional: Setting Up Windows For Command Line (4:27)
MAC Setup (6:30)
MAC Commandline Tools
LINUX Setup (5:36)
Importing The Databases (6:03)
Course Check-In
SQL Deep Dive
Query Along
Starting With Query (5:14)
Exercise: Simple Queries (10:10)
Changing Column Names in a SELECT Query (3:19)
Concat Function (4:51)
What Is A Function In SQL? (6:46)
Aggregate Functions (5:19)
Exercise: Aggregate Functions
Commenting Your Queries (9:32)
Common SELECT Mistakes (8:27)
Filtering Data (5:44)
AND and OR (14:15)
Exercise: Filtering Data (7:56)
The NOT Keyword (7:18)
Exercise: The Where Clause
Comparison Operators (6:02)
Exercise: Comparison Operators
Logical Operators (7:31)
Operator Precedence (9:38)
Operator Precedence 2 (11:31)
Operator Precedence Extra
Exercise: Operator Precedence
Checking For NULL Values (12:01)
IS Keyword (13:42)
NULL Coalescing (7:12)
Exercise: Null Value Coalescing
3 Valued Logic (12:24)
Exercise: 3 Valued Logic
BETWEEN + AND (2:06)
Exercise: BETWEEN + AND
IN Keyword (3:24)
Exercise: IN Keyword
LIKE (13:18)
Exercise: Like Keyword
Dates And Timezones (12:53)
Setting Up Timezones (3:37)
How Do We Format Date And Time? (6:15)
Timestamps (10:27)
Date Functions (4:52)
Date Difference And Casting (1:47)
Age Calculation (2:09)
Extracting Information (2:51)
Intervals (3:13)
Exercise: Date and Timestamp
Exercise: Distinct Keyword
Sorting Data (6:17)
Exercise Sorting Data
Multi Table SELECT (10:47)
Inner Join (19:42)
Self Join (4:54)
Outer Join (11:30)
Less Common Joins (6:36)
Exercise: Inner-Join
USING Keyword (4:29)
Implement a New Life System
Advanced SQL
GROUP BY (14:43)
Group By Exercises
HAVING Keyword (7:38)
Having Exercises
Ordering Grouped Data (1:44)
Group By Mental Model (12:10)
Grouping Sets (9:29)
Rollup (7:17)
Window What? (3:30)
Looking Through The Window (8:52)
Order By Acting Strange (5:34)
Using Framing In Window Function (14:12)
Solving For Current Salary (10:49)
SUM (5:32)
Window Function Exercises
Conditional Statements (6:14)
Conditional Statement Exercise
NULLIF (2:25)
NULLIF Exercise
Views...What Are They Good For? (3:41)
View Syntax (5:36)
Using Views (12:24)
Views Exercises
Indexes (11:09)
Index Types (10:28)
Index Algorithms (10:28)
Quick Note: Index Algorithms
What Are Subqueries? (8:18)
Subqueries vs Joins (8:47)
Subquery Guidelines As Types (11:17)
Using Subqueries (11:26)
Quick Note: Titles For Employees
Getting The Latest Salaries (14:19)
Subquery Operators (9:00)
Subquery Exercises
Exercise: Imposter Syndrome (2:55)
Database Management
Before We Get Started
Time To Create Some Stuff! (9:56)
Types Of Databases In A RDBMS (4:18)
Default PostgreSQL Database (7:38)
Template Databases (6:41)
Creating A Database (4:42)
Database Organization (7:08)
Roles In Postgres (3:45)
Role Attributes And Creation (4:52)
Creating Users And Configuring Login (13:44)
Privileges (3:51)
Granting Privileges and Role Management (6:23)
Best Practices For Role Management (4:22)
Data Types & Boolean Type (7:36)
Storing Text (5:19)
Storing Numbers (7:16)
Storing Arrays (4:20)
Data Models And Naming Conventions (10:55)
Extra information on CREATE TABLE
Column Constraints (5:49)
Table Constraints (11:42)
UUID Explained (5:47)
Custom Data Types And Domains (6:07)
Creating The Tables For ZTM (11:52)
Extra information on ALTER TABLE
Adding Students And Teachers (8:07)
Creating A Course (12:31)
Adding Feedback To A Course (6:49)
A Tale Of 2 Feedbacks (9:03)
SQL Exercises
SQL Quiz
Backups And Why They Are Important (23:19)
Backing Up In Postgres (7:42)
Restoring A Database (6:15)
Transactions (18:15)
Solving The Mystery
Clue #1 and #2 (1:45)
Getting ready to solve the mystery!
Clue #3 (0:47)
Exercise: Solving The First Clues
Solution: Solving The First Clues (5:25)
Clue #4 (0:27)
Exercise: Clue #4
Solution: Clue #4 (1:02)
Clue #5 and #6 (1:13)
Exercise: Clue #5 and #6
Solution: Clue #5 and #6 (5:46)
Solving The Mystery (2:52)
Database Design
System Design And SDLC (9:49)
SDLC Phases (6:00)
System Design Deep Dive (5:57)
Top-Down vs Bottom-Up (6:28)
DRIVEME Academy (6:41)
Top Down Design (4:41)
ER Model (5:10)
Step 1: Determining Entities (3:34)
Tooling For Diagramming (3:28)
DRIVEME Academy Entities (13:54)
Step 2: Attributes (3:04)
Relational Model Extended (1:09)
Relational Schema And Instance (2:37)
Super Key and Candidate Key (6:22)
Primary Key and Foreign Key (7:33)
Compound Composite And Surrogate Key (4:07)
DRIVEME Attributes (11:56)
Step 3: Relationships (12:05)
DRIVEME Relationships (12:29)
Step 4: Solving Many To Many (9:27)
Step 5: Subject Areas (2:44)
DRIVEME Subject Areas (2:55)
Exercise: Painting Reservations (9:17)
Exercise: Movie Theatre (5:06)
Bottom Up Design (5:17)
Anomalies (10:29)
Normalization (7:14)
Functional Dependencies (6:35)
Functional Dependencies 2 (6:11)
The Normal Forms (4:32)
Going from 0NF to 1NF (8:09)
Going from 1NF to 2NF (5:47)
Going from 2NF to 3NF (8:30)
Boyce-Codd Normal Form (9:01)
Why 4NF And 5NF Are Not Useful (5:57)
Exercise: Database Design Quiz
Database Landscape, Performance and Security
Bruno's Request (1:36)
Scalability (4:19)
Sharding (3:04)
Replication (4:56)
Backups (2:15)
Distributed vs Centralized Databases (3:41)
Database Security (4:02)
Exercise: SQL Injection
Optional: All About Injections Attacks (19:42)
Optional: Storing Passwords (10:54)
Optional: How To Store Passwords
Relational vs NoSQL, PostgreSQL vs MongoDB Databases (10:35)
Future Of Relational Databases (1:47)
Elasticsearch (3:48)
S3 Object Storage (1:48)
Top Databases To Use (4:42)
Where To Go From Here?
Thank You (1:14)
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Bonus: Data Engineering (And the role of Machine Learning)
Watch Data Engineering Section
Bonus: Redis
Watch Redis Section
Extra Bits: Databases In A Web App (with Node.js)
Quick Note: Upcoming Videos
Setting Up Your Database (8:51)
Connecting To The Database (7:06)
Registering A User Part 1 (4:50)
Default PostgreSQL Database
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