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Build AI Agents with AWS
What We Are Building - Part 1 (5:33)
What We Are Building - Part 2 (4:56)
Exercise: Meet Your Classmates and Instructor
Course Resources
Setting Up Our AWS Account
Sign In to AWS (4:32)
Creating an IAM User (5:33)
Signing In to New IAM User (3:15)
What To Do If Your AWS Gets Hacked (1:31)
Architecture Design, Model Access and Quotas
Architecture Diagram of Our Multi Agentic Workflow (6:41)
LLM Model Access, API Rate Limits, Quotas, and AWS Regions (7:47)
Creating the Restaurant Agent in AWS Bedrock
Introduction to AWS Bedrock Agents (1:04)
Creating the Restaurant Agent (17:33)
Creating our AWS S3 Bucket To Store Our Data (4:04)
Uploading Restaurant Data to AWS S3 (0:48)
Creating an Action Group For Our Restaurant Agent (13:01)
Finishing Our Lambda Function for our Restaurant Agent (12:26)
Testing Our Restaurant Agent (14:38)
Creating the Accommodation Agent in AWS Bedrock
Setting Up the Accommodation Agent (8:45)
Uploading Our Hotel and Airbnb Data to AWS S3 (1:14)
Creating The Lambda Function Action Group For The Accommodation Agent (17:41)
Finishing Our Accommodation Agent (9:49)
Testing the Accommodation Agent (8:20)
Multi Agentic Collaboration Using the Supervisor Agent in AWS Bedrock
Creating and Testing The Supervisor Agent (9:00)
Explaining Agent Collaborators (4:41)
Multi Agent UI Enhancement, Timing Agents (2:51)
Deploying Our Multi Agentic Workflow and Cleaning Up Resources
Serverless Invocation of the Supervisor Agent using AWS Lambda (11:51)
Setting up AWS API Gateway to Deploy Our Worfklow Through the Internet (3:24)
Testing Our Endpoint Through The Internet with Postman (5:14)
Cleaning Up Resources (2:29)
Where To Go From Here?
Review This Byte!
Uploading Restaurant Data to AWS S3
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