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The Python Automation Bootcamp (Work Smarter!): Zero to Mastery
Section 0: Introduction
The Python Automation Bootcamp (Work Smarter!): Zero to Mastery (1:20)
Course Introduction (4:43)
Exercise: Meet Your Classmates and Instructor
Course Resources
ZTM Plugin + Understanding Your Video Player
Set Your Learning Streak Goal
Section 1: Python Crash Course (Optional)
A Note to Students
What is Programming? (6:49)
Introducing the Replit Editor (9:35)
Values and Types (9:34)
Functions (12:44)
Expressions (11:06)
Expressions in Python (4:12)
Variables (11:38)
Naming Variables (6:43)
Errors (5:52)
F Strings (6:47)
Objects, Attributes, and Methods (10:31)
Scripts (10:58)
Comments (4:32)
Lists (11:37)
Tuples (8:55)
Dictionaries I (12:33)
Dictionaries II (7:44)
If Statements I (9:26)
If Statements II (7:44)
Else and Elif (11:46)
And and Or (9:38)
While Loops (9:50)
Validating Input with While Loops (8:47)
For Loops (9:49)
Looping Through Lists and Tuples (8:54)
Looping Through Dictionaries (11:16)
Modules, Libraries, and Classes (16:24)
Let's Have Some Fun (+ More Resources)
Section 2: Getting Started
Introduction (3:02)
Installing Python - Mac
Installing Python - Windows
Installing PyCharm - Mac
Installing PyCharm - Windows
Introduction to PyCharm (19:55)
Section 3: Working with Files
Plaintext Files (2:55)
Opening, Reading, and Closing Files (8:15)
Readlines and the With Statement (7:27)
Writing to Plaintext Files (11:00)
CSV Files (3:53)
Reading from CSV Files (11:25)
Writing to CSV Files (10:17)
Transferring in Text Files (12:38)
Product Sales Tracker Project - Introduction (5:46)
Project - Walkthrough (13:20)
Unlimited Updates
Section 4: Paths and Folders
Understanding Paths (12:29)
Handling Paths with Pathlib (11:48)
Pathlib Methods (6:33)
Iterating Over File Paths (5:49)
Accessing File and Folder Properties (13:16)
Creating Folders (8:46)
Copying Files (9:53)
Copying Folders (5:53)
Moving Files and Folders (7:39)
Renaming Files and Folders (8:46)
Deleting Files and Folders (12:54)
Clean Sweeper Project - Introduction (6:02)
Another Way to Create Paths (10:13)
Project - Solution (16:45)
Course Check-In
Section 5: Regular Expressions
Introducing Regular Expressions (9:32)
Regex Syntax Basics (8:40)
Special Characters (7:04)
Matching Multiple Characters (14:20)
Quantifiers (10:08)
Custom Quantifiers (9:34)
Anchors (7:40)
Regular Expressions in Python I (7:15)
Regular Expressions in Python II (10:21)
Findall (8:32)
The Sub Method (13:36)
SSN Masker Mini-Project - Introduction (2:53)
Mini-Project - Solution (5:25)
Alternation (14:57)
Compilation Flags (14:56)
Contact Info Extractor Project - Introduction (9:08)
Project - Solution Part 1 (13:17)
Project - Solution Part 2 (10:47)
The Compile Method (6:27)
Implement a New Life System
Section 6: Automating Spreadsheets
Introduction (2:48)
Introducing openpyxl (7:13)
Introducing gspread (17:24)
Automating Excel 101 (10:46)
Important Note!
Automating Google Sheets 101 (11:13)
Automating Worksheet Operations Part 1 - Excel (9:17)
Automating Worksheet Operations Part 2 - Excel (10:09)
Automating Sheet Operations Part 1 - Google Sheets (8:35)
Automating Sheet Operations Part 2 - Google Sheets (10:56)
Working with Cells - Excel (11:43)
Working with Cells - Google Sheets (10:45)
Working with Ranges - Excel (10:59)
Writing Data to Excel Ranges (14:12)
Working with Ranges - Google Sheets (16:29)
Automating Formulas Part 1 - Excel (5:10)
Automating Formulas Part 2 - Excel (12:02)
Automating Formulas Part 1 - Google Sheets (7:22)
Automating Formulas Part 2 - Google Sheets (16:48)
Working with Cell Styles - Excel (16:01)
Working With Cell Styles - Google Sheets (16:37)
Diff Analyzer Project - Introduction (9:49)
Excel Project - Solution Part 1 (23:15)
Excel Project - Solution Part 2 (5:31)
Excel Project - Solution Part 3 (17:18)
Google Sheets Project - Solution Part 1 (18:27)
Google Sheets Project - Solution Part 2 (5:22)
Google Sheets Project - Solution Part 3 (18:30)
Exercise: Imposter Syndrome (2:56)
Section 7: Automating Email
How Email Works (3:26)
Sending Your First Email with Python (18:09)
Enhanced Emails with the Email Module - Part 1 (9:52)
Enhanced Emails with the Email Module - Part 2 (13:01)
Sending Emails to Multiple Recipients (13:09)
Sending Emails with Attachments (12:12)
Customer Feedback Alert System Project - Introduction (5:45)
Project - Solution (22:29)
Section 8: APIs
Introduction to APIs (8:38)
HTTP 101 (10:07)
Making HTTP Requests with Python (12:51)
Requesting JSON with Python (10:33)
Adding Parameters to Requests (8:06)
Request Parameters in Python (11:45)
Tech Trivia Fetcher Project - Introduction (8:07)
Project Solution - Part 1 (10:12)
Project Solution - Part 2 (12:45)
Section 9: Automating ChatGPT
Introducing ChatGPT (5:35)
Exploring ChatGPT's Capabilities (11:19)
API Authentication (12:16)
The OpenAI Playground (14:03)
Managing the API Key (7:53)
Our First API Call (10:40)
The max_tokens Parameter (7:32)
Understanding GPT Models (11:17)
The temperature Parameter (10:51)
Building a Celebrity ChatBot - Part 1 (13:28)
Building a Celebrity ChatBot - Part 2 (11:18)
BrunoBot Project - Introduction (8:28)
Project - Solution (19:43)
Where To Go From Here?
Thank You! (1:17)
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