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Go Programming (Golang): The Complete Developer's Guide
Go Programming (Golang): The Complete Developer's Guide (2:32)
Exercise: Meet Your Classmates and Instructor
Course Projects + Code + Slides + Cheatsheet
ZTM Plugin + Understanding Your Video Player
Set Your Learning Streak Goal
Introduction to Go (Golang) Programming
So You Want To Learn Go? (2:20)
Keiko Corp (0:58)
Install Golang (2:38)
Packages & Modules (3:35)
Data Types (5:08)
Strings / Runes (7:36)
Go CLI (1:46)
Let's Have Some Fun (+ Free Resources)
Go Programming Fundamentals
Variables (10:31)
Demo: Variables (9:55)
Exercise: Variables (4:08)
Basic Functions (5:52)
Demo: Functions (4:03)
Exercise: Functions (4:30)
Operators (4:59)
if..else (8:22)
Demo: if..else (2:53)
Exercise: if..else (5:43)
switch (4:10)
Demo: switch (3:41)
Exercise: switch (3:39)
Looping (5:04)
Demo: Looping (3:55)
Exercise: Looping (3:57)
Section Review: Dice Roller (8:35)
Unlimited Updates
Go Programming: Types
Structures (6:07)
Demo: Structures (5:00)
Exercise: Structures (3:28)
Arrays (9:00)
Demo: Arrays (4:56)
Exercise: Arrays (5:11)
Slices (12:02)
Demo: Slices (4:06)
Exercise: Slices (3:41)
Ranges (4:46)
Maps (6:01)
Demo: Maps (7:00)
Exercise: Maps (7:44)
Pointers (5:52)
Demo: Pointers (6:41)
Exercise: Pointers (5:06)
Section Review: Library (17:13)
Course Check-In
Idiomatic Go
Receiver Functions (5:30)
Demo: Receiver Functions (4:27)
Exercise: Receiver Functions (6:08)
iota (6:16)
Exercise: iota (4:37)
Variadics (4:05)
Text Formatting: fmt (6:11)
Packages (9:15)
Init Function (2:19)
Testing (7:46)
Demo: Testing (8:29)
Exercise: Testing (6:55)
Implement a New Life System
Interfaces in Go
Interfaces (9:37)
Demo: Interfaces (4:02)
Exercise: Interfaces (6:52)
Error Handling (7:20)
Demo: Error Handling (2:26)
Exercise: Error Handling (8:09)
Readers & Writers (9:03)
Demo Readers (5:05)
Exercise: Readers (4:42)
Type Embedding (5:14)
Demo: Type Embedding (5:47)
Exercise: Type Embedding (5:19)
Generics (8:56)
Demo: Generics (9:42)
Exercise: Generics (2:56)
Concurrent Programming with Go
Function Literals (6:18)
Demo: Function Literals (5:03)
Exercise: Function Literals (5:30)
Defer (3:14)
Concurrent Programming (4:56)
Goroutines (4:27)
Demo: Goroutines (4:59)
Exercise: Goroutines (5:55)
Channels (9:32)
Demo: Channels (9:56)
Exercise: Channels (5:21)
Synchronization (8:51)
Demo: WaitGroups (4:37)
Demo: Mutexes (6:18)
Exercise: Synchronization (5:57)
Concurrency Patterns (8:51)
Pattern: Pipelines (14:42)
Pattern: Pipeline Cancellation/Quit (4:08)
Pattern: Pipeline Fan-In (6:03)
Pattern: Generator (8:05)
Pattern: Context (6:57)
Section Review: Multithreaded grep (27:31)
Exercise: Imposter Syndrome (2:55)
Final Milestone Project: Pixl
gcc Installation (4:42)
Intro & Project Setup (3:08)
Canvas Overview & State (4:59)
Creating a Swatch (13:29)
Swatch Layout & First Run (10:18)
Color Picker & App Layout (4:06)
Pixel Canvas Structure (8:36)
Pixel Canvas Renderer (14:28)
Pixel Canvas Layout (3:29)
Panning & Zooming (10:04)
Painting Pixels (9:51)
Cursor Display (8:59)
Creating New Images (11:17)
Saving Images (6:47)
Loading Images (5:38)
Project - MailingList Microservice
Project Setup (1:46)
Creating Database Tables (6:12)
Implementing CRUD Operations (12:02)
JSON Data Processing Functions (7:13)
JSON Endpoints (10:22)
Server CLI (6:35)
Testing JSON API (5:15)
Protocol Buffers (7:17)
gRPC Data Processing Functions (4:44)
gRPC Endpoints (14:28)
gRPC Client (15:27)
Keiko Corp
Benchmarking (4:05)
Where To Go From Here?
Thank You! (1:01)
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Pattern: Pipeline Cancellation/Quit
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