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Statistics Bootcamp (with Python): Zero to Mastery
Learn Statistics with Diogo Resende (1:13)
Course Outline (2:49)
Why Statistics Matter - The Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster (3:31)
Exercise: Meet Your Classmates and Instructor
ZTM Plugin + Understanding Your Video Player
Set Your Learning Streak Goal
Getting Started
Creating a Google Account (5:23)
Resources - Download Course Materials
Setting Up the Course Materials (3:23)
Part 1 - Python for Statistics and Data Analysis
Statistics with Python - The Essentials
Game Plan for Python Essentials (1:53)
Print Function (5:47)
Python - Print Function (10:27)
Input Function (4:19)
Python - Input Function (8:08)
CHALLENGE - Your Superhero Name (6:50)
Variable Types (3:01)
Python - Variable Types (6:26)
Arithmetic Operators (6:03)
Python - Arithmetic Operators (6:47)
Comparison Operators (3:40)
Python - Comparison Operators (4:56)
CHALLENGE - Split Bill Calculator (11:28)
The if-else Condition (6:21)
Python - if-else Conditions (6:01)
EXERCISE - Can You Vote? (2:28)
EXERCISE - Grading Papers (5:21)
CHALLENGE - Berghain Club Bouncer (11:54)
CHALLENGE - Your Monthly Savings Plan (19:43)
Wrap Up - Python Essentials (2:21)
Let's Have Some Fun (+ Free Resources)
Statistics with Python - Intermediate
Game Plan for Intermediate Python for Statistics (3:07)
While Loop (2:26)
Python - While Loops (6:44)
EXERCISE - Countdown Times (5:02)
Python Lists (7:00)
Python - Lists (10:30)
EXERCISE - Monthly Expense Report (6:42)
EXERCISE - Fibonacci Sequence (6:06)
Randomization (4:35)
Python - Randomization (5:24)
EXERCISE - Movie Picker (6:21)
CHALLENGE - Read my Mind (9:00)
Dictionaries (4:02)
Python - Dictionaries (6:30)
EXERCISE - Magical Pet Sounds (7:35)
CHALLENGE - Budget Mastermind (16:19)
For Loops (4:41)
Python - For Loops (4:18)
EXERCISE - Sum of Numbers (4:26)
EXERCISE - Counting the Number of Characters (7:58)
CHALLENGE - Treasure Hunter (14:08)
Functions (6:48)
Python - Functions (6:18)
EXERCISE - Function That Adds Numbers (2:20)
EXERCISE - Function That Counts Vowels (4:35)
EXERCISE - Function That Transforms Fahrenheit to Celsius (6:34)
CHALLENGE - Recipe Converter (24:40)
Wrap Up - Python Intermediate Skills (3:23)
Unlimited Updates
Capstone Project #1 - Virtual Escape Room with Python
Project Presentation - Virtual Escape Game (5:51)
Python - Plan the Solution (8:15)
Python - Check User's Answer Function (8:47)
Python - Prepare Game (18:11)
Python - Solving with ChatGPT (6:54)
Course Check-In
Part 2 - Inferential Statistics
Descriptive Statistics
Game Plan for Descriptive Statistics (1:50)
Variable Types in Statistics (2:55)
QUIZ - Variable Types
QUIZ - Variable Types - Explanations
Population vs. Sample (3:28)
CASE STUDY Briefing - Moneyball (2:16)
Python - Setting Up (5:51)
Measures of Central Tendency (3:13)
(Arithmetic) Mean (3:38)
Python - Mean (4:44)
EXERCISE - Python (2:35)
Median (2:16)
Python - Median (1:51)
EXERCISE - Median (1:08)
Mode (1:27)
Python - Mode (2:34)
EXERCISE - Mode (2:36)
Standard Deviation and Variance (4:56)
Python - Standard Deviation and Variance (5:26)
EXERCISE - Standard Deviation and Variance (2:37)
Coefficient of Variation (4:31)
Python - Coefficient of Variation (3:25)
EXERCISE - Coefficient of Variation (1:03)
Covariance (4:14)
Python - Covariance (3:47)
EXERCISE - Covariance (1:51)
Correlation (6:54)
Python - Correlation (5:36)
EXERCISE - Correlation (2:00)
Normal Distribution (4:08)
Python - Normal Distribution (6:47)
EXERCISE - Normal Distribution (3:11)
PRACTICE TEST: Descriptive Statistics
PRACTICE TEST: Descriptive Statistics - Explanations
CASE STUDY - Moneyball (4:14)
Wrap Up - Descriptive Statistics (1:55)
Implement a New Life System
Confidence Intervals
Game Plan for Confidence Intervals (1:04)
CASE STUDY Briefing - Dioguinis Pizza (1:29)
Standard Error of the Sample Mean (2:17)
Python - Libraries and Data (4:39)
Python - Standard Error of the Sample Mean (2:47)
Z-Score and Standardization (3:12)
Python - Z-Score and Standardization (9:57)
Confidence Level (3:48)
Python - Confidence Level (10:30)
Confidence Intervals for Large Samples (6:17)
Python - Confidence Interval for Large Samples (6:12)
EXERCISE - Confidence Interval Function with ChatGPT (6:55)
CASE STUDY - Guinness Beer and t-distribution (2:35)
Confidence Interval with Small Samples (3:26)
Degrees of Freedom (7:13)
Python - Confidence Interval with Small Samples (8:14)
EXERCISE - Confidence Interval Function with ChatGPT (5:11)
PRACTICE TEST: Confidence Intervals
PRACTICE TEST - Confidence Intervals - Explanations
Confidence Intervals Wrap Up (4:27)
Capstone Project #2 - Lights, Camera, Statistics!
Project Presentation - Lights, Camera, Statistics (2:40)
Python - Data Preparation and Cleaning (20:52)
Python - Exploratory Data Analysis (16:55)
Python - Estimating Average Ratings (11:57)
Python - Conclusions (5:43)
Exercise: Imposter Syndrome (2:55)
Hypothesis Testing
Game Plan for Hypothesis Testing (3:07)
What is Hypothesis Testing? (4:54)
QUIZ - Hypothesis Testing
QUIZ - Hypothesis Testing - Explanations
P-Value (4:36)
QUIZ - P-value
QUIZ - P-value - Explanations
Type I and Type II Errors (4:05)
QUIZ - Type I and Type II Errors
QUIZ - Type I and Type II Errors - Explanations
CASE STUDY - Publication Bias in Statistics (2:58)
How to Test Your Hypothesis (Known Population Variance). (6:50)
CASE STUDY Briefing - Tesla Production (1:48)
Python - Setting Up and Libraries (2:52)
Python - How to Test Your Hypothesis (Known Population Variance) (12:00)
Python - Build a Function to Test Your Known Variance Hypothesis (5:22)
Hypothesis Testing with Unknown Population Variance (2:54)
Python - How to Test Your Hypothesis (Unknown Population Variance) - Part 1 (11:02)
Python - How to Test Your Hypothesis (Unknown Population Variance) - Part 2 (6:38)
Paired T-Test (3:54)
Python - Paired T-Test - Part 1 (10:39)
Python - Paired T-Test - Part 2 (3:30)
Two Sample T-Test (5:30)
Python - Levene's Test (8:04)
Python - Welch's T-Test (3:44)
Python - Two-Sample T-Test (2:12)
Exercise - Two-Sample Test Function (4:41)
One-Tailed Test vs. Two-Tailed Test (5:50)
Python - One-Tailed Test with Known Variance (7:27)
Python - One-Tailed Test with Unknown Variance (5:39)
Python - One-Tailed Paired T-Test (5:54)
Python - One-Tailed Two-Sample T-Test (5:29)
Chi-Square Test (3:08)
Python - Chi-Square Test (10:18)
Is Your Distribution Normal? - The Shapiro-Wilks Test (2:43)
Python - Shapiro-Wilks Test (5:34)
PRACTICE TEST - Hypothesis Testing
PRACTICE TEST - Hypothesis Testing - Explanations
Hypothesis Testing Wrap Up (2:43)
Powerposing and P-Hacking (3:39)
Capstone Project #3 - ChatGPT Data Analysis
Python Solutions - Data (14:41)
Capstone Project with ChatGPT - Yelp me! (2:43)
Python Solutions - Hypothesis 1 (11:19)
Python Solutions - Hypothesis 2 (9:07)
Python Solutions - Hypothesis 3 (8:41)
Part 3 - Regression Analysis
Multilinear Regression
Game Plan for Multilinear Regression (1:22)
CASE STUDY Briefing - Pricing Diamonds (1:53)
Linear Regression (5:12)
Python - Libraries and Data (4:20)
Python - Exploratory Data Analysis (4:57)
Python - Linear Regression (3:09)
Regression Statistics (4:23)
Python - Linear Regression Output (2:29)
Python - Plotting Regression Curve (2:56)
Dummy Variable (Trap) (4:00)
Python - Linear Regression with Dummy Variables (6:52)
EXERCISE - Create Function that Reads the Regression Coefficients with ChatGPT (7:10)
CASE STUDY - Linearity Bias - We Will All Be Obese! Wait What? (4:01)
Multilinear Regression (1:47)
Python - Categorical Variables (2:59)
Python - Multilinear Regression Preparation (2:10)
Under and Overfitting (3:27)
Training and Test Set (2:34)
Python - Training and Test Split (3:14)
Python - Multilinear Regression (8:42)
Assessing Regression Models (6:07)
Python - Assessing Regression Model (6:19)
PRACTICE TEST - Multilinear Regression
PRACTICE TEST - Multilinear Regression - Explanations
CASE STUDY - Dangers of Regression Analysis (2:51)
Multilinear Regression Wrap Up (2:02)
Capstone Project #4 - Multilinear Regression
Captone Project - Understanding Sales Drivers (1:19)
Python - Solutions - Step 1 (7:20)
Python - Solutions - Step 2-4 (4:29)
Python - Solutions - Step 5-6 (5:47)
Logistic Regression
Game Plan for Logistic Regression (1:39)
CASE STUDY Briefing - Spam Emails (1:25)
Logistic Regression (3:28)
Python - Preparing Script and Loading Data (3:31)
Python - Summary Statistics (3:44)
Python - Histograms and Outlier Detection (5:36)
Python - Correlation Matrix (3:26)
Python - Logistic Regression Preparation (3:59)
How to Read Logistic Regression Coefficients (2:11)
Python - Logistic Regression (2:17)
Python - Build a Coefficient Function with ChatGPT (9:06)
Python - Predictions (3:19)
Confusion Matrix and Model Assessment (6:24)
Python - Confusion Matrix and Classification Report (5:34)
Python - Assessing Classification Models with ChatGPT (5:30)
PRACTICE TEST - Logistic Regression
PRACTICE TEST - Logistic Regression - Explanations
Section Wrap Up - Logistic Regression (3:15)
Capstone Project #5 - Surviving Titanic - Logistic Regression with ChatGPT
Capstone Project - Surviving Titanic (1:02)
Python - Libraries and Data (8:20)
Python - Removing Outliers and EDA (6:33)
Python - Logistic Regression Model and Assessment (6:06)
Cox Proportional Hazard Regression
Game Plan for Cox Proportional Hazard Regression (2:14)
Introduction to Survival Analysis (7:47)
CASE STUDY - Briefing (1:47)
Python - Libraries and Data (5:09)
Kaplan-Meier Estimator (4:35)
Python - Kaplan Meier Estimator (4:22)
Python - Calculating for a Specific Event (2:46)
Python - Plotting Kaplan-Meier and Cumulated Curves (3:51)
Censoring (3:45)
Log Rank Test (2:55)
Python - Kaplan-Meier Estimator per Gender and Visualization (5:50)
Python - Log Rank Test (6:33)
Cox Proportional Hazard Regression (4:51)
Python - Prepare Data for CPH Model (3:11)
Python - Cox Proportional Hazard Regression (9:36)
Python - Visualize Results (2:12)
Assessing Cox Proportional Hazard Models (5:18)
Python - Assessing the CPH Model (8:37)
Python - Predicting Specific Instances (3:38)
PRACTICE TEST - Cox Regression
PRACTICE TEST - Cox Regression - Explanations
Cox Proportional Hazard Regression Wrap Up (3:14)
Capstone Project #6 - Surviving the App-pocalypse - Cox Regression with ChatGPT
Capstone Project - Will Your App Make it? (1:23)
Python - Libraries and Data (7:10)
Python - Data Cleaning (19:10)
Python - Dependent Variable (8:26)
Python - Kaplan-Meier Estimator (4:30)
Python - Cox Model (10:00)
Where To Go From Here?
Thank You! (1:17)
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EXERCISE - Correlation
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